Responding to a rough year
Client: Ravensdown

A rough year for farmers thanks to weather conditions, lower farmgate returns and upward pressure on farm costs, meant a tough year for Ravensdown as well.
The Brief
It was a tough year for farmers, and for Ravensdown. Inflation hit nutrient, and other farm costs, hard at a time when farmers’ incomes were severely constrained. And Cyclone Gabrielle wreaked a path of destruction across many customers' operations, as well as disrupting some of Ravensdown’s own manufacturing facilities. This had flow on effects for Ravensdown leading to a significant restructuring. But amid the challenges were some signs of future positivity.
This year’s report needed to straddle two competing key messages: the immediate challenges facing both farmers and Ravensdown which required a back-to-basics approach to business; and optimism about the longer-term strategic pathway.
The Solution
It was time for straight talking. Ravensdown have always communicated very openly with their farmer-shareholders, and now the pain was one that was being shared, with no rebate available for shareholders this year. But it was equally important to convey that the company’s financial resilience was sound; that Ravensdown was safeguarding its balance sheet for future performance; that both board and management leadership was actively making appropriate decisions for both the short- and long-terms; that farmer relationships were as important as ever; and that its 2030 strategy remained on track.
We ensured that both narratives were presented with proportional parity while conveying a stable business with a valuable future. To reflect this belief in the long-term plan, we ensured a seamless continuity of both report structure and visual style from the previous year. As well as Ravensdown unwavering commitment to smarter farming for a better New Zealand.