Discovering our limits.

The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.
–– Arthur C. Clarke

Mīharo is Te Reo for wonder. Wonder as in “I wonder what would happen if we . . .” and also as in “what a wonderful idea”.

Mīharo is our new innovation lab initiative. Fuelled by a desire to do good, to be curious, and experiment, the lab is about taking our very best ideas and turning them into solutions that make something better for us, our clients and the world. It’s a place where we dare to imagine the impossible, push boundaries, create new rules and try, try, try again until 'wonderful' happens. 

It’s also where we learn to think differently; to grow and develop our creative brains to next-level capability. 

Strategic Innovation in action.

 It all starts with a clear challenge and brainstorming of ideas.

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1. Discovery

Every innovation challenge starts with clearly defining the problem we want to work on, understand why and the value of solving it, plus getting some initial ideas from the ‘idea generation team’.

One of the key outcomes of this phase is the creation of our Idea bank. This is the place where we store ideas – the good ones and the others – they function as idea starters and can spark other ideas for future development.

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2. Ideation

Starting with a wealth of possibilities, the initial exploration of ideas by the Mīharo team, is focused on narrowing down the ideas worth looking into further. Ultimately, the goal is to find 3-4 ideas that have the potential to solve the problem statement.

The remaining time within this phase is about developing the idea into a solution, with consideration around long-term commercialisation. This process employs skills like rapid prototyping grounded with sound research and meticulous planning and culminates in a mid-point review which will eliminate ideas that don't meet the criteria.  

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3. Design

We developing our ideas through to full working solutions, through design, prototypes, and other working models that tease sort out all the details. 

Each idea is shared with the wider team to gather feedback, fresh ideas, and harness any missed opportunities. Once complete, we look to validate. Validation consists of two inter-related components:

  • Market validation, where we thoroughly analyse real-world commercial and/effectiveness potential, and
  • Investment validation, where solutions are presented to the Senior Leadership Team for the continuation of investment towards final commercialisation. Like Dragon’s Den but with real dragons.
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4. Commercialisation

The first step towards commercialisation is market validation, where we thoroughly analyse real world commercial potential. Then we undertake investment validation to ensure the solution is financially viable. Finally, we look to sourcing appropriate market funding to do what’s needed to commercialise our solutions.


Blog Posts.
Thought-leading innovation insights.

The value of VR in learning: Unlocking potential for diverse learners

27 Mar 2025 by Jeremy Sweetman

The world is changing, and technology is playing a key role in shaping the way we learn, work, and connect. The way we…

Colorway Antics improves quality of life for children with disabilities and/or neurodiversity

20 Mar 2025 by Jeremy Sweetman

Colorway Antics proves it's much more than an entertaining game.

We’ve just confirmed a second year of Minifunkids continuing to license Colorwa…

Lessons in innovation

18 Jan 2024 by Steven Giannoulis

We established the Mīharo innovation lab in late 2021 as a vehicle to grow our creative thinking, keep learning and developing as individuals and as a…


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