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Revolutionising Learning and Development with AR and VR

25 Jul 2024 by Jeremy Sweetman

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are transforming the Learning and Development (L&D) landscape. If you're passionate about hel…

Make the user the hero of your website.

6 Dec 2022 by Jeremy Sweetman

I recently responded to a website RFP that asked the question ‘What is your approach to website design?’ Clearly, this is a tricky question to answer…

Innovation success and learnings

3 Mar 2022 by Jeremy Sweetman

What a year! With big ambitions for year one of our innovation lab – Mīharo – things haven’t disappointed. During an already tough Covid year, we’ve d…

A spatial story

9 Nov 2021 by Jeremy Sweetman

With the launch of the Insight Creative innovation lab – Mīharo ­– came our first challenge. As the title of the blog suggests, our first solution was…

A solutions drought?

20 Oct 2021 by Jeremy Sweetman

It’s easy to underestimate the value of water. Its availability seems endless, despite the odd inconvenience of summer water restrictions and the qual…

The 101 of Augmented Reality

27 Aug 2020 by Jeremy Sweetman

By now you've heard about Augmented Reality (AR), but are still really confused about what it all means. What makes it different from VR? Are the…

The future of learning

13 Nov 2018 by Jeremy Sweetman

On a recent visit to Melbourne, I was privileged enough to visit Wooranna Park Primary in Dandenong. Privileged!? A visit to a primary school isn’t ty…

Does glitter work on everything?

28 Aug 2018 by Jeremy Sweetman

Recently, my daughter had a eureka moment when she realised that by copying her project from Google Docs into a website template, it would invoke a co…

Semi Permanent - Day One

13 Aug 2018 by Jeremy Sweetman

Semi-Permanent has always been a calendar event, but previously there was never really enough ‘digital’ to justify shelling out any sort of investment…

Websites: the end is just the beginning

16 Oct 2017 by Jeremy Sweetman

When I visit a website, I typically (and quickly) scan the homepage. I might scroll just beyond the fold to see what content morsels lie just out of s…

The Reign of Content

12 Jun 2017 by Jeremy Sweetman

The continued reign of content online is undisputed. It remains central to any online patronage. It motivates engagement, drives purchases and creates…

The Clash of Data and Design.

30 May 2017 by Jeremy Sweetman

Now, you may already know this, but the digital landscape harbours a polarised community of data-driven practitioners and their design counterparts. T…