The 2017 NZSO Season hits the streets with an ‘expected, unexpected’ conviction

21 Aug 2017 by Brian Slade


Creating a campaign months ahead of it appearing in public is always an interesting exercise. Not only is there the delayed creative gratification but also trying to gauge how effective the idea will be in reality. This year, it’s been exciting watching our New Zealand Symphony Orchestra (NZSO) ‘Expect the Unexpected’ creative platform gradually unfold. The cumulative impact of the visually distinctive campaign has definitely been building momentum as it has hit the streets with our striking posters and social media alignment.

We're now midway through the 2017 NZSO season and are now starting to see some of the stronger campaign images popping up across our main centres.

This time last year we did a three day shoot of the some of the orchestra members dressed in ‘civvies’ to strategically break down a few barriers and challenge misconceptions about the orchestra. One in particular is Bridget Douglas, Section Principal - flute. Our ‘Expect the Unexpected’ theme was totally reinforced at the shoot when Bridget stepped in front of the camera. She needed little art direction to physically embody the idea and like a true professional got straight into the right head space. She’s perfectly paired with Hector Berlioz’s fantastical metaphysical drama ‘The Damnation of Faust’ concert (Wellington 25 August, Auckland 27 August) and so creates great alignment to the concept.

Malaviya Gopal, 1st Violinist, was also great to work with. Paired with the Schuman and Barber concert, she really breaks down preconceptions that orchestra music isn’t relevant and could actually be worth a go. In her leather jacket she’s very natural, real and very much aligned to the target audience of the arts crowd.


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