Angels and devils

9 Apr 2018 by Paul Saris

Angels devils v3

'Angels and devils' is how one of my clients organises her stakeholders.

She’d prefer everyone to be an angel, a person that supports the cause, has bought into the process, actively engages. These are the champions that make a brand project go a long way, smoothly. How does the saying go again? "You go faster alone but further together". Enter the devil. You guessed it, the devil is the kind that goes faster alone (or nowhere at all). The devil tends to be a roadblock to new initiatives that break the routine, are different from BAU, and given the opportunity, actively hinders the move forward, any move.

In my experience, devils don’t typically set out to work the furnaces. In fact, they often have relevant ideas, interesting observations, useful insights, and a surprising amount of energy to get things done. Sadly, due to lack of support, direction and isolation the furnaces get stoked and the devil comes out.

Devils have a lot of knowledge about their realm, how things work around here.

Devils don’t like crowds and do love a little attention, to be taken seriously, listened to, and involved for their knowledge and experience.

Devils are valuable stakeholders. Devils can make the most fabulous angels. Devils are worth spending a bit of time with. Get to know them. Offer support and be rewarded. The furnaces may continue to burn but with a soothing warmth rather than a charring heat.  

And, who knows, you may uncover another angel.  


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